Impact Assessment Bibliography
The Impact Assessment (IA) bibliography was initially developed to support the Creative Hubs and Networks Database (CHND), for presentation on the Critical Digital Methods Institute (CDMI) website at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). Led by Mary Elizabeth Luka, CHND supports the CDMI’s overarching interdisciplinary focus on seeking to build bridges across the gaps that exist between disciplines, media, systems and people. The IA bibliography has been augmented with input from the Research in Residence [hyperlink to the RinR bibliogs] initiative.
This bibliography will be useful to organizations and individuals, from creative hubs funders, leaders and policy makers to researchers, community users, creative workers and other publics. Each of these audiences will be able to access and use this bibliography for assistance in various projects as well as an information resource that is both digestible and in-depth, making it a useful information resource for those interested in creative organizations in Canada.
The information collected for this bibliography came from multiple sources: creative hubs and networks inventories first conducted by Mary Elizabeth Luka in 2016 during a SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship; augmented in 2018 by Luka and Jacqueline Wallace; cross-checked with studies by Nordicity (2017) and Telefilm Canada (2019); with further contributions in 2020 and 2021 made by Luka, Wallace, Rachel Barber-Pin, Katy Ilona-Harris, Claudia Sicondolfo, Samarth Singhania, Hillary Walker, Helen Yung and Madison Zinger, supported in part by a University of Toronto Connaught New Researcher Award and by the KMD Institute. The tagging system was overhauled and updated by Cate Alexander in 2021, while the Tableau dashboards were developed by Barber-Pin, Jermaine Williams, Alexander Luka with the advice and help of UTSC digital librarians Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Paulina Rousseau and David Kwasny in 2020-21. Some of the information collected was analysed or augmented for use in commissioned reports for the Department of Canadian Heritage (Arts Branch) in 2018 and 2020. Web design is by J.P. King and Jermaine Williams.