Fair Play is a research and knowledge-sharing project conducted at the University of Toronto with the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA).
In this presentation we discuss the ways that we have developed relationship-based processes and protocols for trans- feminist and queer artists, audiences, activists and researchers, in our digital research environment, the Cabaret Commons.
Technologies of Fabulous & Minor Digitization: Trans- Feminist & Queer Cabaret Cross-Platform Methods for Online Research Environments, a plenary talk by TL Cowan at the SpokenWeb Symposium 2022.
CDMI invites you to a two-hour professional seminar to discuss how to get published in academic journals with the journal editors of Feminist Media Studies, Digital Humanities Quarterly, and Social Media & Society.
- By CDMIPublished On: June 21st, 2021
We firmly support research that works against settler colonialism in all its forms and join the many scholars at UofT and beyond in recognizing and supporting the CAUT censure.
- By CDMIPublished On: September 14th, 2020
To understand the complexities surrounding boundary-defying digital platforms, digital practices, and academic institutions, we aim to foreground digital research methodologies. We ask: what could critical digital methods entail?